A little more (Pre)History
Recently, on a beautiful sunny day when we weren't having guests (it happens sometimes), we went to discover one of the many archaeological sites close to Le Moulin: the Archéosite des Fieux.
The Archéosite des Fieux is first and foremost an open-air cave located in the north of the Causses du Quercy, near Gramat. This site was an important hunting ground and then a temporary habitat, from Neanderthal man to modern man (known as Cro-Magnon). The traces and remains are spread over different excavation sites, each telling the story of a different area of human occupation. The decorated cave, with its engravings and paintings, was classified as a Historic Monument on 17 January 1967, and is contemporary with other examples of cave art in the Quercy region, such as Pech Merle and Cougnac, with perhaps an earlier phase that is exceptional for the region.